Billy Graham, Just as I am

1. The entire book, I never once saw him as my opposition.  I think he simplifies things that he shouldn’t, he makes everything about evangelism and spends much less time on the rest of the Kingdom of God, but I never felt he was advancing something that is hurting the things I care about.  I think that is a huge gift he has.  Even if you think you disagree with him on so many things, he somehow pulls you in and convinces you that we are on the same team.

2. He really focuses on Ecumenism, with all sorts of Christian denominations and races but also with Catholics.  If this is true, and he really was a leading person in this movement, that is awesome.  I love that stuff.  And by his personality in General, I could very much see how that could be true

3. I wasn’t very excited about his relationship with important people, especially presidents.  It never seemed like something I wanted to be part of.  Sometimes he gave too much advice on something that had nothing to do with evangelism (like who to pick for VP) and in general just prayed and played Golf a lot.  He probably did more and couldn’t reveal it all, but in my imagination, if I was Billy Graham, I would want to be the pastoral to them in a way most other people couldn’t be, talking to them in the depths of their hardest decisions, but maybe he couldn’t get the security clearance.

Carl Jung Memories, Dreams, Reflections

“I feel very strongly that I am under the influence of things or questions which were left incomplete and unanswered by my parents and grandparents and more distant ancestors.”

I connected most with the beginning of the book, and with his history, but not as much with his theory, which is most of the rest of the book.  I look forward to my 2nd reading and understanding more of it